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Upcoming and currently available workshops. Please check back for new offerings.

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This Western Style Kintsugi online workshop is available to be offered by your school, institution or organization.  It is also available as a private tutorial or for private groups of 5 or more. Please contact me at: 

for fee structure and date availability.

This Western Style Kintsugi demonstration workshop is available to be offered at your school, institution or organization. It is also available as a private tutorial or for private groups of no more than 5 in my Sandy Hook CT Studio. Please contact me at: 

for fee structure and date availability.


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This clay-bodies for soda firing workshop can be tailored to meet your specific needs and provide instruction on how to add soda briquettes to your kiln, even if it is designed for spraying, provided it has some spray ports with removable brick and a suitable trough along both sides of the bag wall. The workshop can be offered in two formats: a 6-8 day intensive workshop if you have the ability to dry and bisque in an electric kiln, or as two separate sections, with students creating work and/or clay-bodies in their own studios before returning at a later date for the firing portion of the workshop. Additionally, I can offer a developing claybodies for soda firing workshop for experienced students with soda firing kiln availability elsewhere, who are seeking more successful results.

If you are interested in introducing this exciting soda firing method to your students, I would be delighted to speak with you and create a tailored workshop experience that meets your specific requirements. Please contact me at 

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