barbara j. allen

Barbara J. Allen holds a BFA in sculpture and an MS in Art Education. Some of her group and solo shows include; the Canton Museum of Art, Ohio, The New Britain Museum of Art; Connecticut, Harper-Collins Atrium Gallery; New York, NY, The Paris, Kent, New York Galley; Connecticut, and the Kipp Gallery at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Visiting Artist Residencies have included, Cross Cultural Collaborative, Nungua, Ghana, University of Delaware, and Weir Farm National Historic Park. Barbara is an arts educator and practicing artist focusing in both wood and soda fired ceramics. She has over 30 years of teaching and atmospheric firing experience including creating educational projects with indigenous and university trained potters in Ghana West Africa and working with the Akha Womens’ Foundation serving the Akha hill tribe women near Chang Rai,Thailand. Barbara studied Kintsugi in Japan with Sensei Tuskamoto Showzi. She recently retired after three decades as a fine arts educator and now primarily devotes herself to the practice of art and ceramics in her Sandy Hook, CT studio.